In order to ump start sales now Garmin has introduced impressive price reductions on the most popular aviation portables. The aera 500/510/550/560 represent the best value in the aviation portable market with these new low prices. Garmin has also reduced prices for our GDU 370/375 MFDs for the LSA and Experimental markets.
The following price decreases and new Minimum Retail Pricing (MRP) are effective immediately. Part numbers and pricing details are as follows:
Part Number Description List NetMRP (Minimum Resale Price)
010-00836-30 aera 560, Americas $1,799.00 $1,599
010-00836-20 aera 550, Americas $1,399.00 $1,249
010-00836-21 aera 550, Atlantic $1,249.00 $1,099
010-00836-22 aera 550, Pacific $1,249.00 $1,099
010-00836-10 aera 510, Americas $1,249.00 $1,099
010-00836-00 aera 500, Americas $799.00 $699
010-00836-01 aera 500, Atlantic $799.00 $699
010-00836-02 aera 500, Pacific $799.00 $699
010-00667-25 GDU 375 Americas w/ XM $4,349.00 $3,749
010-00667-15 GDU 370 Americas no XM $3,449.00 $2,999
010-00667-20 GDU 370 Atlantic no XM $3,449.00 $2,999
010-00667-35 GDU 370 Pacific no XM $3,449.00 $2,999