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Owners and Operators of GTN 650/750, GNS 400W/500W Series, and GNS 480 navigation systems
Revision B: Added reference to the Garmin 14 CFR 91.227 ADS-B Out Compatible Equipment document and removed references to the GIA 63W
All GTN 650/750, GNS 400W/500W Series, and GNS 480 Navigation Systems are affected.
For Garmin Integrated Flight Deck installations, refer to the applicable OEM for 14 CFR 91.227 ADS-B out compatibility guidance.
Refer to 14 CFR 91.227 ADS-B Out Compatible Equipment document (Garmin P/N 190-01533-00) for a list of Garmin products and corresponding software versions that:
1. comply with AC 20-165A Appendix 2 and AC 20-138C Appendix 4 and;
2. are eligible for use as an ADS-B Out Position Source meeting the requirements of 14 CFR § 91.227 when installed in accordance with Garmin’s installation instructions.