Garmin SB1302 Rev A: G500 AML STC update for GDU 620 Software Version 6.11, GRS 77 Software Version 3.03, and GDC 74 Software Version 3.09

This Service Bulletin announces an update to the G500 AML STC (SA02015SE-D) to include GDU 620 Software Version 6.11, GRS 77 AHRS Software Version 3.03, and GDC 74 ADC Software Version 3.09.

GDU 620 Software Version 6.11 contains the following changes from version 5.02:
•    GAD 43e support (refer to Installation Manual for approved interfaces)
o    Various altitude pre-selectors and vertical speed controllers
o    Composite VOR/LOC and analog glideslope receivers
o    DME display and control
o    Analog radar altimeter display
o    Synchro ADF receivers
o    Marker Beacon display
•    Integrated GPSS/HDG switching and display improvements
•    Enhanced support for KFC 225/275/325 autopilots
•    Pilot-selectable Nav Status Bar location
•    Dual PFD comparison monitors
•    Configurable airspeed-based discrete outputs
•    Crossfill of VHF Nav, Traffic, and Radar Altimeter data between dual GDUs
•    Resolves HSI auto-slew issue on certain localizer-based approaches (Service Advisory 1139) GRS 77 Software Version 3.03 contains the following changes from version 3.02:
•    Resolves potential issue during prolonged turns at extreme latitudes (Service Advisory 1156) GDC 74 Software Version 3.09 contains the following changes from version 3.08:
•    Diagnostic Improvements

G500 systems installed in accordance with the G500 AML STC (SA02015SE-D).

Contact me for compliance details:


35 years component-level Aviation/Electronics repair/Avionics retrofit experience. FCC General Radiotelephone with Ship Radar. Navcom-Audio, Transponder-Pulse-Radar, Autopilot expertise. IT Administration since 1983. Private Pilot since 1986. CAD designer since 1990. FAA Certified Repair Station Chief Inspector since 1994. Started 3 Avionics Shops. College: Business Administration/Marketing. Motorcycle enthusiast. 6 year USAF Veteran, Ground Radio Equipment Technician (30474, E-5). WordPress novice.

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