15 Jul 2014
Aspen STC, Inc. Receives Supplemental Type Certificate for Installation of Aspen Avionics’ Evolution Flight Displays on Enstrom Helicopters
Aspen Avionics announced that another helicopter STC has been obtained for the installation of Aspen PFDs and MFDs in most Enstrom helicopters.
Aspen STC, Inc., an independent organization unaffiliated with Aspen Avionics designed the engineering package for the certification and includes both one and two-tube configurations of Aspen Avionics’ award-winning displays. The approval covers Enstrom F-28A, F-28C, F-28F, 280, 280C, 280F, 280FX, TH28, 480 and 480B models.
The STC can be downloaded here.
For further details please contact us at sales@pilotronics.com