iPads are becoming extremely popular cockpit aid

AOPA iPads become handy new cockpit tool for pilots
The Federal Aviation Administration insists pilots rely on traditional paper charts while flying, but it recently approved the iPad as a secondary tool for in-flight cockpit computations. A growing number of tech-savvy pilots are making the tablets cockpit must-haves. “I knew it would come.. I saw it coming. I have the worldwide charts on the iPad right now,” said general aviation pilot Jeff Curl. WCNC-TV (Charlotte, N.C.) 


35 years component-level Aviation/Electronics repair/Avionics retrofit experience. FCC General Radiotelephone with Ship Radar. Navcom-Audio, Transponder-Pulse-Radar, Autopilot expertise. IT Administration since 1983. Private Pilot since 1986. CAD designer since 1990. FAA Certified Repair Station Chief Inspector since 1994. Started 3 Avionics Shops. College: Business Administration/Marketing. Motorcycle enthusiast. 6 year USAF Veteran, Ground Radio Equipment Technician (30474, E-5). WordPress novice.

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