Archangel Systems, Inc. offers its AHR150A ADAHRS to the DoD and to the Part 23, 25, 27 and 29 civilian markets. Developed for use in the BA609 tiltrotor fly-by-wire systems, the AHR150A is a two-box air data, attitude and heading reference system with low data latencies and RSVM-compliant air data. For customers focused on ISR, SAR and EMS missions, AHR150A orbit and step turn performance (long duration banking maneuvers) meets or exceeds that of FOG-based AHRS at a fraction of the weight and price. FAA TSO C4c, C5f (DG Mode), C6d, C88b, C106 approvals have been awarded. All software is DO178B Level A (mission critical) running on redundant and dissimilar processors with ARINC 429 I/O compliant to CAAS bus architecture standards. Environmental test certifications are per RTCA/DO160-E. A detailed listing per section/category with cross-references to Mil-Std-810 is available on request. Erickson Air-Crane selected the AHR150A for its S-64 fleet. Archangel has worked closely with Erickson during their TC approval process, culminating in the initial S-64 retrofit delivery to San Diego Gas and Electric in December 2010. The AHR150A is available in quantity for both new OEM and STC programs. Additional product details are available at For further information, please contact or (334) 826-8008 x14. Archangel Systems is an ISO 9001:2008 certified facility.
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